Baptisms at AuburnUnited Methodist Church
It is always a joy when a person enters the faith community through Baptism!
Baptism is one of two Sacraments in the United Methodist Church. The baptism experience is one of community in which the parents and congregation alike covenant with God to raise these children in an atmosphere of love and faith.
We believe that "... through the Sacrament of Baptism we are initiated into Christ's holy church...incorporated into God's mighty acts of salvation...and given new birth through water and the Spirit." (United Methodist Hymnal)
We believe that Baptism is a covenant between God and each of us; God promises that we are adopted by grace, and we promise our response of faith and love.In the United Methodist Church, people of any age are suitable candidates for baptism - infants, children, teens, and adults! Babies or others who can't take vows for themselves are presented by parents and/or sponsors. Baptims take place during a regular worship service withith the faith community.
When they are older, these children affirm their baptismal vows and make a personal profession of faith in a service called "Confirmation" Auburn UMC's Confirmation Class is usually comprised of seventh graders.
Please contact the church office to set up a time to meet with Pastor Richelle to discuss you child's baptism or your own.